Our Services

Astro Numerology

Astro Numerology

Enter the captivating realm of Astro Numerology, where the cosmic forces of astrology converge with the mystical power of numbers. As an esteemed...

business numerology

Business Numerology

Business numerology is all about checking your favourable or unfavourable numbers against your business, brand or company name. Selecting the rig...

numerology Advice for Career and Job

Numerology Advice For Career And Job

Your planets play an important role in your life. One must choose the career or job based on his destiny number. If chosen against your planets, ...

Relationship Compatibility Numerology

Relationship Compatibility Numerology

 Why do relationships fail or why do couples get separated after some time? Here comes the theory of numerology which gives you the answer t...

New born numerology

New Born Numerology

For parents, their new born is like a treasure for them. Why not? God has given you a precious gift of life which you must value. When it comes t...

Personal Numerology

Personal Numerology

Most important person in your life should be you yourself. Our self-worth is the value we give to ourselves. This value is about how we see ourse...

Numerology Compatibility Test

Numerology Compatibility Test

With the help of numerology compatibility test, Prasoon N Singh creates your complete numerology report and explains to you the best dates, years...